2016年12月6日 星期二

《COURAGE之言》If there are the sorrow tears around you, the warm cheeks will always accompany with you.

When you are in the sorrow motion, 
don’t forget there are also the warm cheeks always accompany with you. 
It is just like; when you are in the dilemma,
 don’t forget there are some people always care about you.
Few years ago, I faced a frustration.
 I was very sad, extremely sad
 and I closed my Facebook, unread the Line messages, turned off my cellphone, 
so nobody could connect with me.
But few days later, I received some letters which my friend sent to me.
 They wonder to know whether I am alright. That’s very sweet and kindness.
Thus, when you are in tears, 
don’t forget to wipe your tears, you will see the other world you have never seen.

You can cry loudly, but always remember that you are not alone.




與渣男的相遇,一定讓你痛不欲生。 因為渣男永遠都是選擇不長大的男孩。 就是因為是男孩,他不懂得處理困境。 就是因為是男孩,他不懂得處理感情。 就是因為是男孩,只幻想著愛情甜蜜。 就是因為是男孩,女孩只會逼著成熟。