2017年2月10日 星期五

《COURAGE之言》The elegance cannot be bought by money.

The elegance cannot be bought by money.
–Translating form HUNTERXHUNTER

Money is important because you can buy a lot of things by money, 

but somethings cannot be bought by money, for example, the elegance.
One’s own elegance is built by one’s heart.
If the man is good and honest, you will like to be with him.
If the man is not good and honest, you will not like to get along with him.
If you are rich by owning money, you could buy a lot of thing you like, 

you might have many friends, you might be easy to live,
but if you don’t have the empathy, will you have a real friendship?

We cannot deny the importance of money, 

if we have much money without the good manner and good behavior;
people get along with us in the reason of advantages.

If you are rich by the benevolent heart, you read lots of books, 

your behavior won’t hurt people around you, your words are kindness, 
and won’t you be lonely in the reason of ordinary?

Thus, money is important, 

but the value and the elegance of the human is not determined by money.




與渣男的相遇,一定讓你痛不欲生。 因為渣男永遠都是選擇不長大的男孩。 就是因為是男孩,他不懂得處理困境。 就是因為是男孩,他不懂得處理感情。 就是因為是男孩,只幻想著愛情甜蜜。 就是因為是男孩,女孩只會逼著成熟。