2017年1月2日 星期一

《COURAGE之言》The precious thing is fragile.

The precious thing is fragile. –Translating form HUNTERXHUNTER

The precious thing may not be expensive thing.
The stone everywhere, it might become precious in some reasons, then, 
the stone is not everywhere, and it becomes only one.

One thing becomes only one, even if it is a stone by road side, it might easy to lost, 
and it would be protected perfectly.

Thus, because of the only one, it is precious. Because it is precious, it is fragile.




與渣男的相遇,一定讓你痛不欲生。 因為渣男永遠都是選擇不長大的男孩。 就是因為是男孩,他不懂得處理困境。 就是因為是男孩,他不懂得處理感情。 就是因為是男孩,只幻想著愛情甜蜜。 就是因為是男孩,女孩只會逼著成熟。